Railway API
Jake Cooper
Shipped as of November!
In reference to the changelog post https://railway.app/changelog/2022-09-23
A composable template system that could be modulated with simple api calls would be awesome. Lately i have been playing with ML assistants and i would love to put that together with such an api to "spin up a server like {reference to system the assistant remembers}".
I'm hoping there will be a way to get specific projects and services, as well as get the current/list of usage (disk, cpu, network, etc) for it.
In this specific case, it would be great to have some kind of notification api where you can register for notifications when certain conditions are met (for cpu, network, disk, etc)
A notification system like this would be invaluable for companies, etc, to monitor their systems (I guess, it would probably have to be a webhook system in this case)
Angelo Saraceno
indominablerexx: I think this is a fantastic idea. At the moment, it only output basic data but it would be cool to get all the system metrics so you can do... things with that data!
Angelo Saraceno
in progress
On a serious note: we will need your help. We have a internal migration on the way with our gQL API and we will want to know what you will want to do with this API. (Kick off Deployments, create services)
This will help us to prioritize what guides and documentation we make off the bat as we release this API.
Hunter Brooks
It'd be great to be able to create Deployments via the API as well. Also, deployment termination.
+1 for changing domains via API
Christian Ivicevic
I am currently evaluating using Doppler, a single source of truth platform for secrets which automatically syncs all data via integrations. However there isn't one for Railway just yet and I'd have to experiment somehow with a webhook to update the secrets myself. Since there is no public API for Railway and the Railway CLI seemingly doesn't support updating secrets I'd have to use some flaky ways of updating the secrets with the API the UI uses or interact with the Doppler CLI during the build and start commands to download the environment variables instead of having them stored within Railway.
Also, restarting and removing deployments.
Fetching account info would also be great. Such as:
- projects and the servces, deploys, domains, usage stats, etc
- usage and cost
Joel Watson
Just chiming in to say it would be awesome if the eventual API implementation had endpoints to manage Variables as well (get, create, update, delete). I work at Doppler and we'd love to create an integration for Railway, but we can't until such an API exists.
Everett Berry
I would be interested in an oauth flow for the API. When folks come to us without dbs we typically recommend they visit Railway first to spin one up and then come back to Arctype. I built some resource pages for that, https://arctype.com/postgres/setup/railway-postgres.
One thing we don't have that's a little annoying is the db URI in our connection screen so devs can paste and connect in one click. That's being added soon but wouldn't be necessary with oauth. The CREATE DB endpoint could return that string and then in the next Arctype screen the dev would see all their tables.
The rest of my wish list:
LIST - return the user's databases by name and type (pg/mysql)
PUT - create a db and return the connection URL
GET - return db metadata such as a link to the db billing page within the railway web console.
POST - (nothing?) user would need to manage their dbs within railway
There's a lot of interesting things with signup and organizations too. If the team has any interest in the those or wants to discuss the above endpoints more deeply I'm in the discord at rettx. Cheers!
Faraz Patankar
Merged in a post:
Korab Arifi
A web api to show project info like usage variables deploys etc and maybe even redeploy/create projects :)
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