Key additional metrics for the server
Currently we can see "CPU", "Memory" and "Network" metrics. Coming from Heroku, I am missing the "response time" (of HTTP requests) and the "throughput" (number of requests broken down by HTTP status code (1XX, 2XX, 3XX, 4XX and 5XX). On top of it, users should be allowed to set automatic alerts (e.g. when getting a 5xx status code, an email is sent to the administrator).
Clara Tan
Ted M. Young
I'd also like to see Network metrics grouped in some way, seeing a cumulative usage of bandwidth (which is reset upon restart/redeploy) doesn't seem useful.
Faiz-ur Rahman
In addition to these metrics, I'd like to be able to see these type of connection logs in the service's deploy logs:
2022-09-22T20:34:46.000Z at=info method=GET path="/something/?page=1" request_id=f50d6e2b-3996-4c2b-927a-9481df2f39e2 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=331ms status=200 bytes=16681 protocol=https
Angelo Saraceno
Absolutely will wanna expose this. No timeline as of yet but think it's key.